据外媒报道,即将推出的华为Mate 70系列或将采用全新的三摄组合,主摄传感器升级为目前业界领先的OV50K。该传感器拥有1英寸超大底和大光圈,将大幅提升Mate系列的拍摄实力,为用户带来更出色、更明亮的影像体验。
爆料者透露,Mate 70系列与P70系列在相机模组方面可能保持一致,均采用三摄方案,每颗镜头均为50MP高像素,具备强悍的拍照功能。
不过,Mate 70系列的主摄传感器将换用全新的OV50K,而超广角和潜望镜镜头则可能沿用P70系列的配置。
Tipster @SmartPikachu says that the next Mate series appears to be the same as the P70 handsets in the current scenario. The premium device will bring a triple-lens framework (50MP each) to the table with powerful imaging features and capabilities.
On the flip side, the Huawei Mate 70 series could use a new main camera solution with an OV50K sensor. However, there aren’t any big changes for the ultra-wide angle shooter as well as periscope lens and they are likely similar to the P70 lineup.
外媒普遍认为,华为Mate 70系列将与即将发布的iPhone 16系列展开激烈竞争。此前,华为已经在国内市场超越了苹果,取得了不俗的销售成绩。而Mate 70系列的强势登场,无疑将进一步对苹果手机形成竞争压力。
IDC report which said that Huawei made some gains in the Chinese smartphone market in the fourth quarter of 2023 with its shipments increasing by 36.2%. The Chinese brand now has a market share of 13.9%, up from 10.3% in the same period a year ago. It appears that the company is not slowing down from its blistering performance in Q4 2023. According to Counterpoint Research, Huawei secured the top position in terms of smartphone sales during the first two weeks of 2024.
总而言之,华为Mate 70系列凭借全新的OV50K主摄传感器、先进的显示屏和HarmonyOS操作系统等亮点,有望成为2024年旗舰手机市场上的一大看点。其与iPhone 16系列之间的“巅峰对决”也值得期待。